Article Faro de Vigo

Article Faro de Vigo

Hace ya dos años desde que un puñado de fachadas y muros de la ciudad abandonaron sus viejos colores para acoger grandes dibujos elaborados por artistas urbanos. Desde entonces, una treintena de inmuebles han mudado su piel para parecerse a los de París, Lyon o...
Artisspectrum: Vol.37 Nov.

Artisspectrum: Vol.37 Nov.

Color and sensation are nearly limitless in the works of Franck Sastre. Upon first glance, viewers are stunned by the variations in both line and texture that dominate his dynamic compositions. Powerful figures of modern society comprise the majority of Sastre’s...
Esculturas Family, Fortaleza Valença, Portugal

Esculturas Family, Fortaleza Valença, Portugal

Very interesting the mixture of two cultures, however close they may be: Portuguese and Spanish. Like that of its two equally versatile, different artists, as of different origin – their influences being created in it.The theme of creating a family with some...

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