The light in the evening paints a sky of an intense red. Coincidentally, next to the black, one of the fetish colors of the painter Franck Sastre (Perigueux France 1966). Two coffees at a table and a conversation that can last for hours. Painting, unlike photography,...
The exhibition will open from December 29, 2016 until January 18, 2017 with an opening reception on Thursday, December 29 from 6-8 pm. Any art lover who likes to reflect and fulfill works of art by talented and interesting artists, is encouraged to attend. About the...
Vigo, with about 300,000 inhabitants, is a port city with contrasts, motivated largely by its geographical location. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and near neighboring Portugal.Urban Art and Pop Art are the booming trend in recent years where the city is...
Vigo, with about 300,000 inhabitants, is a port city with contrasts, motivated largely by its geographical location. It is bordered by the Atlantic Ocean and near neighboring Portugal. Urban Art and Pop Art are the booming trend in recent years where the city is...
Franck Xastre Cadel é licenciado en Bioloxía e Xeoloxía e fixo o primeiro ciclo de Enxeñería Industrial. Fala inglés, francés, castelán, catalán e ruso. Con todo desde pequeno o seu era a vea artística e a iso adícase profesionalmente. Artista autodidacta, de corte...
Hace ya dos años desde que un puñado de fachadas y muros de la ciudad abandonaron sus viejos colores para acoger grandes dibujos elaborados por artistas urbanos. Desde entonces, una treintena de inmuebles han mudado su piel para parecerse a los de París, Lyon o...